Dental Resources
As consumers, people place their oral health in the hands of dental professionals for cleanings and oral procedures. Sometimes a person may be unaware of a serious health risk, such as a cavity in the early stages of development or a periodontal disease, such as gingivitis. In addition to dental professionals, such as your dentist and dental hygienists, if you or someone you know is curious to know more about oral health, there are great online resources available at your fingertips.
Dental Care Organizations
Organizations such as the California Dental Association and the American Dental Association are responsible for educating patients and ensure the utmost care when dealing with oral health, procedures, and products. The California Dental Association provides up to date news pertaining to dental care, as well as a list of thorough resources to help professionals and consumers make the best, most personal decisions. To read more information about the state association, click HERE. Similarly, the ADA provides information and resources for patients on a nationwide platform, informing of new procedures, treatments, and methods of oral health care. For more information regarding the ADA, explore their website by clicking HERE. Lastly, Mouth Healthy is an informative resource promoted by the ADA. Mouth Healthy focuses on answers any and all questions about oral health, including oral care during pregnancy, for babies & kids, teens, adults, and adults over 60 years old. To learn more about Mouth Healthy, click HERE.
If you are confused or would like to know more about the CDA, ADA, or Mouth Healthy, know that you are able to use sources such as online websites and the knowledge of the professionals in your dental office.