
Calcium and Bone Strength

Children grow up hearing how drinking calcium-rich milk makes healthy bones and strong people. Generally, it is not until an older age that people…

9 years ago

Oral Health: Effects of Soda on Teeth

Most people enjoy an ice-cold soda, especially during those summer afternoons, but the effects of Coca-Cola and other soda pops on a…

9 years ago

Vitamins and Minerals for Dental Health

Eating healthy foods full of vitamins and minerals, or taking vitamin supplements, may prove more beneficial than to just overall…

10 years ago

The Whiter, Brighter Smile Diet (and Other Teeth Whitening Tips)

As a teeth whitening patient, you have spent time and money on either a professional in-office teeth whitening procedure or some type of teeth whitening…

10 years ago

What is Xylitol?

What is Xylitol? Xylitol, a natural carbohydrate sweetener, is extracted from fibrous plants and materials such as birch, mushrooms, and corn…

11 years ago

Dangers of Tooth Decay and Gum Disease and Foods That May Assist Oral Health

Dangers of tooth decay and gum disease Tooth decay is literally the decomposition of a person’s tooth. This generally occurs due…

12 years ago